Additional Resources
One Dublin does not provide rental or mortgage assistance and cannot assist with extended-stay hotels.
To access a shelter in Franklin County, call 614-274-7000
Rental & Utility Assistance
Columbia Gas of Ohio- Income-Eligible Assistance Programs
The Breathing Association (HEAP Program, Winter and Summer Crisis Programs)
If currently homeless (no safe place to spend the night) call (614) 274-7000
If risk of future homelessness dial 2-1-1
Food Assistance
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)- Food Stamps
WIC Food Assistance (women, infants, children)
Emergency Food (614) 341-2282
Legal Assistance
Health & Wellness
Medicine and Drugs
Central Ohio Poison Center Hotline (24-hour) 800-222-1222
Domestic Violence
Mental Health
Columbus Springs Dublin (mental health)
Franklin County Mental Health Crisis Hotline (24-Hour) Adults (Netcare) 614-276-2273; Youth (Nationwide Children’s Hospital) 614-722-1800
Red String Journey (dementia awareness)
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline- Call or text 988
Syntero (counseling)
Health and Wellness Cont’d
Dentistry and General Health
City, County & Township
City of Dublin Police Department (call 911 for emergencies)
Washington Township Fire Department (call 911 for emergencies)
Sports & Extracurricular
Adaptive Sports (sports group for people with disabilities)
City of Dublin Parks & Recreation (parks, playgrounds, trails, ponds…)
Columbus Parks & Recreation (Carriage Place)
Dublin Youth Athletics (grants available)
Lindy Infante Foundation (access to sports)
OSU Life Sports (free camps)
Spiritual Support
Share Mobility Dublin (transportation for seniors 55 and older and for people of all ages with disabilities)
Additional Clothing
Bloom Free Store (baby items for 0-3 years)
Alicia’s Closet (for foster kids, kinship, and reunified families)
Common Ground Free Shop- (Delaware County residents)
DNA Plain City (kids clothes- Plain City/Jonathon Alder School district)
Dress for Success (women’s work attire)
My Brother's Closet (men’s work attire via the Columbus Urban League)
New Life (men’s clothing)
St. Vincent De Paul (serving the Columbus area)
United Methodist Free Store (serving the Columbus area)
Other Resources
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption (foster care and adoption resource group)
Finding Hope Center (furniture)
Forever Dublin (aging in place)
Glitter Girls Guild (families facing medical hardship)
Hope Center (Union county)
Rainbow Alliance (LGBTQ+ Alliance)
Shelter Insurance (car insurance for refugees)
QLink Wireless (free government data, talk and text)
One Dublin is a proud resource partner of Safe Space Dublin
Other Agencies That May Be Able To Link You to Help
Asian American Community Services (AACS) (614) 220-4023
Bhutanese Nepali Community of Columbus (BNCC) (614) 396-8965
CAP4KIDS cap4kids.org/columbus
Catholic Social Services of Columbus https://colscss.org/
Community & Refugee Immigration Services (CRIS) 614-235-5747
Ethiopian Tewahedo Social Services (ETSS) (614) 252-5362
Jewish Family Services (614) 231-1890
Lutheran Social Services (LSS) Call 2-1-1
Muslim Family Services (614) 470-2848
Ohio Hispanic Coalition (614) 840-9934
Somali Community Association of Ohio (614) 262-4068
Contact Ohio Benefits System to manage or apply for benefits such as food and healthcare 614-233-2000